Our group is special in that the group members have very diverse background. They major in physics, mathematics and computer sciences. Graduate students and undergraduate students play equally important role in our group. We also have long-term collaborators and short-term research assistants, who work either on campus or remotely. Albeit with different backgrounds and experiences, we work together to advance our understanding in physics and materials science.
About the team
Previous team members
Xin Chen (research assistant). Now at University of St Andrews.
Yuhao Gu (research assistant). Now at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science.
Yin Zhou (research assistant). Now at Columbia University.
Ruihan Yang (undergraduate student). Now at University of California Irvine.
Jiaji Ma (undergraduate student). Now at Yale University.
David Du (undergraduate student). Now at Technische Universität München.
Xiaoxuan Wang (undergraduate student). Now at EPFL.
Sichen Zhu (undergraduate student). Now at George Tech.
Eric Shen (undergraduate student). Now at Chicago.
Yifan Bu (undergraduate student). Now at University of Rochester.
Yilu Pan (undergraduate student). Now at MIT.